• Payment of fee shall be deposited in the school office in cash or by cheque, during school office hours.
  • Miscellaneous charges include the fee for the services provided by the School as fee book, School diary, water, electricity, library, examination, ID-Card, computer, sports and medical facilities.
  • The parents/guardians are required to fill a book with the necessary entries and send the same to the school with the requisite fee. Please write clearly S.R. No. and name of the student along with class and section.
  • Fee book is to be presented, while making payment. If lost Rs. 50.00 will be charged for a duplicate book.
  • School diary will be issued only once in a year. If lost Rs. 100 will be charged for a new Diary.
  • ID Cards will be issued by the school to the students. In case of loss, a new ID Card will be issued and that would be chargeable.
  • In case the strap of the ID Card is broken, the new strap will be provided and that would be chargeable too.